This past year has been a year of growth at AISE Consulting Group. Our portfolio encompassed health systems strengthening consulting, evaluations, and diversity inclusion work.
We have been awarded another year of re-investment on Guttmacher's Project 536 for a Toolkit Development project on safe abortion; and we just wrapped up a the learning review on the 2-year Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded Mama Ye project - Evidence for Action, to improve Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health outcomes in Kenya and Nigeria. Also, we have won a bid with the Women's Rights Advancement and Protection Alternative (WRAPA) to conduct a baseline survey on mitigating Covid-19’s impact on Girls' education.
In early 2021, we supported the MicroStart microfinance initiative for an Entrepreneurial Workshop focused on training female entrepreneurs in lieu of the Women’s Entrepreneurship Campaign week. This workshop was a flagship program under AISE Consulting’s AISE-Be initiative focused on promoting entrepreneurship initiatives among women, alongside diversity and inclusion in the private and public sectors.
In mid 2021, our company supported IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation) by providing technical assistance to the development process of its next strategic framework spanning the period 2023 - 2028. We conducted the qualitative analysis of current national and global SRHR gaps experienced by over 70 IPPF Member Associations and the factors influencing current and future SRHR programming. The results will inform IPPF’s upcoming 2023 - 2028 strategy.
In late 2021, our consultancy supported the TRIAS Diversity and Inclusion assessment using a utilization-focused approach to ensure that its works and this functional process is reflective of the needs of its clients. We applied the IDEAS framework used by TRIAS to guide its diversity and inclusion strategy. AISE Consulting also sought to assess TRIAS ‘work to support inclusion within the organization’ as a journey, and situated the assessment process within a spectrum, to show institutional progress since the inclusion journey began. For this project, we engaged with the TRIAS Brussels staff to identify, from a collective point of view, ‘where the organization wants to be’ and ‘what to do to get into the next level’. Within this framework, the assessment identified advancements and opportunities related to Inclusion at TRIAS.